
Friday, July 18, 2008

Gene Variations May Predict Antidepressant Response (HealthDay)

HealthDay - FRIDAY, July 18 (HealthDay News) -- Scientists may have foundmore evidence that a person's genetic make-up may help determine whetheror not they respond to the antidepressant Celexa (citalopram).

One nutritional supplement that is truly effective in helping people bulk stevia powder weight is cod liver oil. The vitamins in fish oils can help protect against many of the illnesses associated with insulin resistance, which are now classified under the term 'metabolic syndrome.'

Obesity is just one of the illnesses associated with insulin resistance. Others include heart disease, diabetes, stroke, some kinds of arthritis, and some kinds of cancer. All these illnesses are considered 'diseases of civilization,' and are caused by eating the wrong kinds of food.

Many researchers believe that these illnesses are caused primarily by eating refined foods like sugar, white flour and high-fructose corn syrup, and not enough of the healthy fats found in fish and naturally-raised animals and poultry.

The 'standard American diet' is high in omega-6 fatty acids, which are found in vegetable oils, margarine, and grain-fed and confinement raised beef, and it is low in the healthy omega-3 fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins that are found in fish oils and grass-fed beef and eggs from free-range hens. This unhealthy ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 fats may be contributing to the rising statistics of obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

One way to reverse this trend is to eat a lot of fatty fish, at least three times a week, and take a good-quality cod liver oil supplement every day. If you also cut back or eliminate sugar and other processed foods, the vitamins in the oil and fish will help you lose weight quickly and naturally.

But weight loss isn't the only benefit you'll get from making these dietary changes:

Back in the 1930s and 40s, most doctors recommended that children be given cod liver oil as a daily vitamin regimen, because the fat-soluble vitamins and omega-3 fats improve the immune system and protect us from communicable diseases. This practice lost it's popularity when doctors started immunizing children with vaccines. The vaccines do protect against life-threatening illnesses like polio and measles, but a healthy immune system is still important for protection against infections and such illnesses as the flu and the common cold.

Cod liver oil has also been used with some success with learning and behavioral disorders, and can help children do better in school by improving their memory. The fatty acids in fish oils are extremely important for building strong brains and nervous systems in growing children.

The omega-3 fats and vitamins in cod liver oil are important for adults, as well. Recent studies have shown that fish oils can be as effective in treating clinical depression as some prescribed medications, it can improve memory, reduce stress, and helps cut down on allergic reactions. The vitamin D in fish oil can help improve bone density and protect against osteoporosis, and it can help reduce muscle pain in the legs for older adults. Many people have noticed that their arthritis pain is reduced when they take regular cod liver oil supplements, because the omega-3 fatty acids help repair damage in inflamed joints.

Cod liver oil has been used to treat diabetes in adults, because it improves the glucose response. The vitamin A in cod liver oil can also help promote faster healing and protect against damage to the eyes caused by diabetes.

Cod liver oil is the only vitamin supplement that can help people lose weight while also adding all these additional health benefits, and it should be a part of every healthy diet.

For more information about how a wholesome diet based on traditional whole foods can help you lose weight and keep your kids healthy, visit

Donor kidneys removed with single bellybutton cut (AP)

An illustration provided by the Cleveland Clinic showing surgery to  remove donor kidneys through a single bellybutton incision. The Cleveland Clinic has pioneered surgery to  remove donor kidneys through a single bellybutton incision, providing hope for almost no scarring and reduced recovery time for people providing transplant organs. (AP Photo/Joseph A Pangrace, The Cleveland Clinic)AP - Brad Kaster donated a kidney to his father this week, and he barely has a scar to show for it.

In today's day and age, there is a great deal of emphasis placed on purchasing and ingested health and nutritional supplements in order to alleviate ailments. This approach has its positives and negatives. For example, there are a number of natural sleep aids that can effectively provide a healthier alternative to prescription and over the counter pills. However, if you are looking to purchase one of those natural carbohydrate blockers, you will probably not be getting all that much of a return on your investment!

Probably one of the most common and well known supplements are the traditional, old fashioned vitamins that still deliver on what buy bulk lutein promise. Vitamins have fallen out of vogue in recent years thanks to the bold claims of new supplemental products that have emerged on the market, but to dismiss the benefits of vitamins would be somewhat foolish as they can provide a host of vital aids to common problems. One such overlooked area of vitamin supplementation includes the realm of vitamins for hair loss.

B-Vitamins for Hair Loss

For hair loss, B vitamins are the most commonly taken. No, this does not mean that they cause hair loss! There are used by people to help curb hair loss problems as of all the vitamins for hair loss, B-vitamins are the ones that have proven the best results. What these vitamins do is that they can help strengthen hair to curtail the advancement of hair loss and, in some instances, have been able to stimulate hair re-growth. While B-vitamins for hair loss can be taken individually, it is probably better that they are taken as part of a multi-vitamin supplement.

Vitamins for Hair Loss are not a Miracle Pill

What needs to be understood here is the fact that vitamins are not miracle pills. They can not provide the same results that a hair transplant will. That is just categorically impossible. Vitamins, however, do not make such bold claims and this is probably the reason why they have fallen off the radar in terms of being associated with hair loss products. This is unfortunate as there are a number of benefits that vitamins can provide in an inexpensive manner. If you are looking for a dramatic result, then it would be best to look for topical solutions such as Rogaine or even surgical procedures. This does not mean, however, that one should completely discontinue the use of vitamins as they bring a host of benefits with them. has other well-written and helpful articles not only related to how to find the natural cure for hair loss, but also other information and resources related to hair loss.

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